Monday, November 19, 2007

Winter in New York

Well, it's finally getting cold in New York. When I left for Senegal, it seemed like fall would never come. For once, I was looking forward to winter. Even now, I'm enjoying the chill in the air--of course, it's easy for me to enjoy, knowing that I'll be back in Africa in two weeks. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in February.

New York is at its best in the fall and winter. Summer is just too damned hot and humid; and besides, New York is not about enjoying nature, it's about business and culture and throngs of people streaming down the street... and all of that is much easier when you're not sweating.

Of course, winter also means Christmas. It isn't yet Thanksgiving, but the festivities are in full bloom all over the city. Stores have Christmas displays up; Starbucks has switched over to the red cups. Usually, I feel rather put-upon by the majority foisting its holiday on me in this way. But this year, it isn't bothering me, at least not yet. It's kind of nice, I suppose, that so much of the population is getting excited about the same event--there isn't much that this society shares. And I do enjoy the Christmas trees on the street, which will make their debut sometime during my next trip.

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