Sunday, November 25, 2007

Swimming Downstream

I decided the blog needed a name, subject to change without notice. What does it mean? Lately I've been feeling that much of my life has been less deliberate than I'd like—that I've allowed myself to be carried down by the current, sometimes to places I like, sometimes not. So I'm trying to live my life with more intent, maybe even purpose. To carry on the metaphor, I'm trying to learn to harness the energy of the stream I'm swimming down to take me where I want to go—as I figure that out— rather than letting it take me.

I started this blog as a way to share some of my thoughts as I traveled through Senegal—to have something to say to people when they asked me "what was it like?" which is always hard for me. Then I decided to keep the blog going back at home, but I don't seem to be maintaining the same volume. I guess things just don't seem quite as notable when I'm not seeing new things every day. But I do think that occasionally organizing my thoughts and observations about my life, and writing them down, can help me in my ongoing project to live life with more awareness and intent, so I plan to keep this going. And I welcome and cherish the friends, family, and others who may stumble upon my little page to join me—it's nice to know somebody is listening.


Sandi said...

I'm definitely listening.

Anonymous said...

Me too!